I was looking through some old photos the other day and came across many taken on various trips we did at new year. It started in 1991. Kinlay, one of the Watt Wheeler (Heriot-Watt Uni cycling club that is) stalwarts suggested we hire a holiday cottage somewhere in the Highlands over the new year period. We could do some bike riding but equally importantly eat, drink and be merry in the finest Scots tradition for this time of year. Kinlay was usually the one in the club that was responsible for getting us into the most trouble - sneaking into Doune motor museum grounds on a bike ride round the Trossachs to ogle the flash motors through the windows, leading 'rides' into Edinburgh in order to do a bike powered pub crawl and always finishing with crazy rides back through town; and a string of bike rides all over Scotland that turned into epics due to Kinlay's oft repeated suggestions of 'lets just do this bit extra, or take that trail, or this road', generally resulting in riding in the dark, death marches (before they were fashionable) and lots of miles. So it was appropriate that Kinlay started what would become a tradition that lasted many years involving much eating and drinking as well as hill walking and bike riding in all sorts of places and all sorts of weather. I feel honour bound to chronicle our trips as I am the only person, in the group of people that started as the Watt Wheelers and evolved into an ever changing group of friends, to have been on them all.
The venue for that first trip was on the Tighnabruich peninsular. We'd rented a log cabin type chalet at a place called Melldalloch near the village of Kilfinnan on the shores of Loch Fyne. In those days new year counted as low season so accommodation was cheap and widely available. I can't actually remember much cycling. The weather was West Coast standard for winter - wind and rain - so we did one circuit of the peninsular including the well known climb over the otter ferry road and several trips to the pub in Kilfinan (despite having brought plenty of beer with us). In fact drinking was what I do remember (sort of) starting at lunchtime everyday for the 5 days we had there. Enough fun was had for the die to be cast however.
This year represented something of a change of fortunes for the cycling club in that two of us brought girlfriends along, myself included. It was not an auspicious development as Max's girlfriend departed him and the cottage after only 24 hours and mine, being of the non cyclist persuasion, insisted I didn't bring my bike to avoid her being left in the cottage on her own. The venue made this less of an issue than you might think - the village of Skarfskerry just along the road from John O'Groats. We were in a large cottage (there were 8 of us at the start) that had only cost £150 - Kinlay's justification for taking us to what was quite literally the end of our world. The weather was wind and rain (again) so activities were limited to a few local walks (including a visit to Skarfskerry pier, not famously opened by Jimi Page from Led Zep) and one better day when, myself, Neil, Malcolm and Davie climbed a wet and snowy Ben Hope. Neil spent the whole day sat in the car as he'd forgotten his jacket...

In a bid to get somewhere a bit nearer to home, and in more scenic surroundings, we booked early for this one. Another log cabin, in fact two near the town of Dunoon, again in Argyle. The two cabins were dictated by a further rise in numbers - 10 this time including my girlfriend (soon not to be) a couple of rare female club members:- Liz, who was single and remained that way; much to the frustration of at least one other person present and Viv who had been pounced on (a word I use advisedly) by Darren.
Against this emotionally traumatic background (we were in our early twenties bear in mind) the weather was actually pretty good so quite a few good bike rides took place. Me and Max did the Pucks Glen descent several times (it was practically in the back yard of the chalet park) as well as a few other circuits round what are now classic trails. I recall myself and Max scraping the words 'Fuck Off' in 6 foot high letters in the snow on a concrete covered service reservoir in the forest, only to see a group of older people stood a hundred yards above us looking down on our fine example of urban expression. We just giggled and rode the Pucks Glen descent again.
Beer can stacks were a feature of these early excursions...View down Loch Eck
This year represented something of a return to normal. No women and more of a focus on bike riding. Myself, Kinlay, Max, Malcom and Neil were the protagonists. Location was further east in Invernesshire, in a bid to score some better weather - and how. Driving up took some time due to a lot of snow and Cannich, our home for the week, was plastered in it. Once again we were in a chalet but this time it was more of a glorified portacabin. As such it was poorly insulated and not very well heated either; typical of many holiday lets owned by people knowing they could fill them regardless of quality. By this time getting a holiday cottage at new year was becoming much more popular and therefore expensive. Just as well we were hardy in those youthful days. But the weather made it - clear and cold conditions all week. We did a few very snowy bike rides (oh to have had a fat bike) including one great day trying to bike out to Alltbeithe Youth Hostel right up Glen Affric - failed due to too much snow!
The highlight was one long day climbing up the not insubstantial bump that is Tom a Choinnich. I look back on that day and shudder. We had ice axes, but no crampons and I had the most nous (which wasn't a lot). Inevitably it was Kinlay that was in the lead. We'd been doing a fair bit of hill walking over the last few years but a winter ascent of such a challenging bump was at the limit of what we should have been tackling. As usual we had a late start after the previous nights heavy drinking (it was hogmanay after all!) just what you needed on a day with about 5 hours of full daylight.....
It took a while as the snow was deep. We summited at 3 and the cloud came in soon after - an epic beckoned. Kinlay was convinced we were going to drop off the wrong ridge and end up at Loch Mulladoch instead of Loch Affric and the car. This lead us to be walking along the edge of the ridge which was nigh on invisible thanks to everything around us being solid white. The thought crossed my mind that this was dodgy at pretty much the point that Neil, just in front of me, suddenly dropped downwards out of sight. A split second later so did I, fortunately not down the feared abyss but still up to our chest in deep powder snow. This then lead us to plough straight down the slope (it was now largely dark) in order to lose height quickly. We had no avalanche knowledge whatsoever and no indication of snow conditions. Looking back we were lucky. I think it was probably down to the deep layer of powder snow not being too wind blown with no layers underneath and so fairly stable, a very rare situation in Scotland. Even when we reached the bottom we still had a ways to go, all through thigh deep snow.
So we made it and got back to the chalet at 8.30; and sat down to tea at 11..... I recall on the last day the whole water system froze!
This year we had been too late to book a holiday cottage but salvation came in the form of Kinlay's new employer (The National Trust for Scotland) allowing us to use a holiday cottage that was about to be gutted and re-furbished and so free. Team members were Kinlay as host, me and Max - our smallest turn out to date. Location was in the deep south west - Castle Douglas and the NTS owned Thrieve Castle estate. Lo the weather was in our favour once more thanks to a huge dump of snow the day before. Our first day out involved lots of snowy trails and serious sub-zeros. Despite being 25 years ago I remember it well. We' started at Clatteringshaws loch and pedalled through snowy forest tracks following the Southern Upland Way, with a view to head through to Glen Trool. The snow finally defeated us so we turned back at Loch Dee, but not before engaging in more highly ill advised antics - cycling on ice. It was actually Max that inspired this one and he pedaled far out onto the loch after convincing us (and himself) that the ice was plenty thick enough. It was weird - my only encounters with ice on a bike thus far typically resulted in a short sharp trip to the deck with no warning. This was different as being so cold the ice was actually dry and quite grippy. Cycling back alongside Clatteringshaws loch as the sun set and the ice creaked and cracked in the cooling temps was amazing.
The next day the temps had gone up but we still did a lengthy ride, again finishing in the dark. This time we had plenty of icy roads but the rising temps left a thin film of water which made it lethal - we all measured our lengths at various points. It didn't stop us tracing various tracks through the forest and the disused railway to the Water of Fleet viaduct and a long ride home. The weather was on the change so the next day we spent on the beach at Rockcliffe in the rain and there ended another year.1996/1997
I was trying, after looking at a couple of photos from this new year, to remember why we didn't go away for this one. I suspect it was down to the usual lack of preparation and the fact that booking a holiday cottage for new year now needed to be done the previous September. In any event New Year was celebrated in Edinburgh, at Max's flat in South Gyle (soon to be mine). For some reason we didn't hit the town (this was before the hideously over-organised and patronised Edinburgh Hogmanay celebrations) but drank ourselves into a more traditional oblivion in our own company. That day we'd done a fine winter hill walk up Ben Vorlich and Stuc a Chroin so maybe the late finish from that was the reason we couldn't be bothered hitting the town afterwards. Still managed a huge feed the next day however!
Back on track for this one, again courtesy of Kinlay and the NTS in a holiday cottage due for refurb and therefore fine for a bunch of young people (we were still in our twenties) to trash. It was in Rockcliffe, a small village on the Solway Coast, somewhere I'd actually visited a couple of times on family holidays when I was a sprog. Numbers increased for this one, including women(!) Specifically Iona and Vicki who had joined what was still nominally the old Watt Wheelers cycling club (despite none of us now being students) as they were both doing post grad courses. They had proved more persistent than previous female club members in that they were fully into mountain biking and had been out with us regulars on several typically epic bike rides without being terminally put off. Also present was Jackie who was Kinlay's recent partner and new to the New Year format (i.e drinking, eating and cycling). Enough to create further emotional drama but for once it seemed to work out to everyone's mutual satisfaction.
My main memory of this week was drink. Iona was largely to blame but Kinlay started it by bringing along two 35 pint poly pins of beer that had to be drunk within 4 days. Me and Malcolm arrived to an empty cottage as the others were already out and about. This prompted us to hit the beer early before it ran out. I recall (I don't really) feeling wrecked by 8 and being ill soon after, only to recommence in order to bring in the bells with a dram. Iona's contribution to the carnage was a lethal cocktail called Sangria - essentially a lot of wine fortified with vodka and diluted with fruit and fruit juice. We ended up drinking this through lengthy straws (don't even ask) and ended up totally wrecked again. It wasn't all bad though - as the week progressed it was clear that Rob and Iona were becoming an item and Malcolm and Vicki were also getting along famously. Bike riding wise (no I hadn't forgotten) we didn't do a lot as the weather was back to being wet and windy but we did do the Mabie forest trails (pre seven stanes and far, far better), a fair bit of walking round the coast and some easy riding round Dalbeattie forest (also pre trail centre).
I don't seem to have any pictures of the bike rides though....
This year saw us getting a holiday cottage organised and in a fab location - The village of Stoer in the North West, a few miles north of Lochinver on the infamous Drumbeg Road. This was also the first year that Kinlay was a no show, thanks to his partner (now wife) not letting him out with us reprobates. So it was the end of one era and the start of another. Others present were Rob and Iona, Malcolm, Max and Richard Heslop - a compadre on day rides but he'd never been with us for a trip away (he never came back, I wonder why?)
By now we had a winning formula - open fire, plenty of coal and plenty of drink. This last was important as the nearest pub was lochinver. More Sangria carnage followed along with a somewhat bizarre visit to a nearby holiday chalet when we gate crashed their hogmanay party after the bells. I recall me and Malcolm standing around with a bunch of people (mainly women I seem to remember although much good it did us) being fed tequila slammers straight out of the bottle. The weather was mild, windy and fairly wet so bike riding was again somewhat limited. We did do the trails from south of Clachtoll to Lochinver and we did make it north as far as the point of Stoer and a view of the Old Man. The new years day walk was up Quinag but due to severe over indulgence on my part the night before I missed it.
I also recall sitting on the beach with a fire when a group of typical west coast drop outs appeared. They were very friendly (and stoned) but we sat and chatted by the fire into the wee small hours whilst drinking fine whisky and watching the waves come in. We also walked up to the falls of Kirkaig which were in full flow thanks to the wet weather.
Ah yes, the millenium. Remember that? The greatest damp squib in the history of the modern world. People were expecting either the worlds greatest party or the apocalypse (or at least the end of all computers). In the event the weather wrote off parties across the country and computers ticked over the final hour of 1999 without so much as a hiccup.
We were back in the North West just down the road from last year. Our cottage of the previous year was booked but the owners put us onto an elderly lady who ran a holiday let and the informal campsite at Clachtoll. She was reluctant to let us use the cottage as it had no heating but after a bit of persuasion she let us stay for a very modest fee and plenty of wood for the fire.
Present were me, Rob, Iona and Dwayne. The weather was milder, wilder and wetter than the previous year (hence many cancelled hogmanay parties) but cosy enough thanks to us bringing enough coal to burn the place to the ground. My bike riding was somewhat curtailed thanks to a still healing broken wrist (November 1999 Winter Series Downhill race at Caberston forest, nee Golfy) so all we managed was a road ride down to Lochinver and Inverkirkaig plus some walks along the shore. The waves were wild and views zero so no photos. I recall sat in the cottage on New Years day listening to Radio Stornoway (which bears much resemblance to Naked Videos OHBC news sketches). Most of the shows seemed to be various old boys having a chat, interspersed with pipe and accordion music and news bulletins that were mainly concerned with the progress of a wayward boat being blown down the main street....
This year saw a return to bike riding and a return to Cannich. As it happens the weather was kind with more snow in the run up but generally fine weather when we were there. Adventures included a lengthy trip round various forest tracks in the snow, a couple of local walks to check out various nearby waterfalls and venturing into the local Community Centre for the Cannich Post Hogmanay party.
This started out very convivial as we got chatting to a few locals, including the couple who ran the bunkhouse up at Cougie, way up past Tommich. We'd only come out with hip flasks but once we realised that this was going to be a long night we sent out for more supplies (whisky) and when this ran out we sent out again (whisky). Ceilihd music was perpetrated and danced to and the last couple of hours dissolved in the fine spirits we were drinking. Iona was working at Glenmorangie at the time so we'd gotten access to the good stuff at bargain prices. Eventually we staggered back to our holiday bungalow at 2am and noticed a small caravan in the adjacent site lying on its side.....
I woke up the next morning with a clanging head ache to the sound of the doorbell. Malcolm eventually staggered up to answer and was somewhat alarmed to be faced with two Police Officers. They in turn were somewhat alarmed by the high alcohol content of Malcolm's breath.... They were investigating the over-turned caravan and clearly thought we were responsible being tourists but they soon realised that a) we were decent folk, b) the caravan had been pushed over before we emerged from the party and c) we were in no fit state to lever a caravan off its wheels. Iona was not to be seen all day so maybe she was guilty after all. Or just hungover.
Looking back, this was definitely one of the highlights. We'd booked, after much searching, a small but and ben type cottage near the village of Ardguy in Easter Ross. The drive up was the first indication of the fun we were to have. Heavy snow meant a 4 hour trip took 7 hours and we arrived in the dark. The cottage owner was clearly a bit dubious about letting out his cottage to a bunch of young folk with bikes rather than his normal hunting, shooting and fishing types but he was impressed with how we dealt with the icy track up to the cottage (me with chains, Rob with his trusty Subaru justy 4WD) so all was well. Rob managed to reverse into a tree unfortunately but we made it up in only a few pieces and what a cottage it was. Fires in every room and as usual we had plenty of coal with us.
The snow was pretty thick but that didn't stop us going for several good rides and walks. Highlight was a trek up to Cloich church, up Strath Cuileannach and over to Glen Oykel and my first encounter with the Oykel Bridge Hotel. Annoyingly it was shut, being New Years Day. Also due to our usual late start it was now dark (and had been for a while leading to the usual snowy track of uncertain provenance / not sure where we are going / not sure if certain party members were up to it epic) but the snowy back road to Ardguy was deserted and the sky was chilly but crystal clear.
This year stands out as our most radical. Eschewing the delights of another wet and windy Scottish hogmany we headed for (gasp!) Majorca! This idea came from Malcolm and his new (and very sensible) wife Jackie who suggested this fine island in view of its fab scenery (and hopefully trails), warm temps and cheap wine. They had done a few climbing trips on the island so had enough nous to sort out an excellent villa close to the north end of the island. The challenge of course, was getting there; leading to my first ever bike on plane experience. In the event it all went pretty well and what followed was some truly amazing bike riding.
Temps were in the range of 17-20 odd degrees. Cold by local standards but a heatwave by our own. Rob had scoped out a few possible routes which were all on walking trails. At that point mountain biking hadn't really been established as a tourist draw so there was little info on what could or couldn't be ridden. We followed our usual tactic of heading off into the wilds with a map containing some interesting dashed lines (and contours!) After being defeated by one trail which on the map looked fine and on the ground was a scramble up a steep arete we found plenty of others and had the unique January experience of sitting in the sun drinking beer.
This day whilst the others wandered round the local towns me and Rob headed for a more adventurous route......
A larger group of us then tackled a monster descent having left a car at the top of a substantial hill above Port du Soleil. The trail took us to a large cliff with no clear way down. It was marked as being an easy trail and a couple of over-weight German couples emerging at the top of it suggested all would be well. Who would have know what we came across - a steep but cobbled path switch-backing down the cliff with not a few hairy moments. That said whilst steep and stepped in places the cobbles were smooth and grippy and so really quite easy. Again we finished with more beers in the warm evening.

Me and Rob and Iona did one final route using both hire cars for another descent only ride. This was a bit tamer but equally fun. On the way back up the hill with three of us and three bikes crammed into a renault clio we had a wing mirror exchange with a descending car. We were practically over the cliff and they were over the centre line. A minute after arriving at the car park at the top of the hill the same car screeched to a halt beside us. The young women at the wheel then stormed out and tried to blame it all on us. As we had insurance with no excess we couldn't be bothered arguing so told her to claim. She was wanting cash however and something didn't smell right. Of course Iona, who speaks fluent Spanish, could understand everything she said (but didn't let on!) It was clear that she was agitated about something and her boyfriend in the passenger seat also looked a bit uncomfortable. Then she called the Police.... They turned up soon after (this is Spain) and after much too-in and fro-ing we got the story. It was her dads car and she'd taken it without permission. The cops were on our side in that we had insurance so we gave her the details and off we went. Ho Ho.
Leaving one airport at 27 degrees and landing in another at -3 was quite a shock....
My main memories of this one was being very cold and very wet, in sharp contrast to the previous year. We are gluttons for punishment.... The venue was yet another under- insulated and heated chalet on the shores of Loch Linnie opposite Fort William. A top spot but five of us (Me, Rob, Iona, Max and Mary) was two too many for the accommodation. It started well in that it was good weather and snowy. Rob and Iona had formed an advanced party having spent Christmas camped by Loch Morlich. They were planning on a move out of the rat race of central Scotland in the coming year so this was by way of a recce.
We did a great ride on the first full day round to Ardgour and over a vague path across a substantial moor. Better still we nearly made it back to the road before it got dark.

Another quality descent...
The next day (New Years Day) we planned a bigger ride up the Cona Glen and over an unknown single track back to the road near Glenfinnan. Looking back it had all the ingredients of another epic. The weather forecast was for a steady deterioration to high winds and rain and we had a late start. Riding up the first bit of track revealed several 'no mountain biking' signs (this was pre-land reform) and a fair bit of snow on high.
The single track was OK at first albeit a walk and in light snowfall. The fun began on the descent. The snow turned to sleet, then rain and soon we were all soaked and stopping for more than a minute lead to instant chills. The path was a mess of rocks and mud, largely frozen with a lot of wet ice. Suddenly, once again, we were in a tricky situation with disaster a slip away. As it happened friends of friends were hanging off the Aonach Eagach not too far away and they ended up with Glencoe Mountain Rescue after them. So if it had gone pear-shaped for us we'd have been screwed.... Of course it was also now fully dark and this was long before any of us had decent lights.
Eventually we emerged at a farm and followed the easy track out to the road. Because of the weather we hadn't stopped for food for ages so we now cowered under a bridge eating what we could before the long and wet ride back to the chalet. That was it for riding as it took the next two days for all of our kit to dry out.....
The shores of Loch Linnhe again this year, just south of Ballachulish. This time we'd done a bit more research to make sure we got a place that was big enough and had good heating, including open fires. The location was Duror with the same crew as last year. The cottage was a cracker (arguably our best to date) - another but and ben with the usual kitchen extension and upstairs rooms. A large grate ensured plenty of heat with central heating to boot. It also had a large woodshed next door for bike storage - perfect! The weather was mixed this week. The start was rather wet, so our day one walk to Kentallen and back was somewhat soggy....
Then came some woodland exploration and a great trail over to Ballachulish village.
The bells were celebrated (quite muted these days) and we did our usual walk to the beach afterwards. New Years day saw a distinct lack of enthusiasm for riding so me and Iona kept up the tradition and pedaled down to Appin and got the ferry to Lismore. The boat was one of those wee council run passenger only types. Our bikes got lent against a wire guardrail and we figured it wasn't worth tying them up. Next thing the boat is taking 20 degree rolls in the swell offshore and I watched in horror as my bike shifted forward and started to fall over. I quick leap saved it thank god and I bungied it and Iona's firmly to the rail. The rain came on once on the island so we did a quick lap, abandoned a plan to get the boat to Oban and pedal back from there and instead retraced our route back.
We all made it out the next day but just as far as the mountainbike trail in Leanachan Forest by Fort Bill. Snow had appeared on high so it was a lot more entertaining that it otherwise would be.
The final day took us high above Kinlochleven. Max and Mary had had to leave a day early so it was just me, R and I fancying something a bit more challenging. Up the big climb past Mamores Lodge, round to Loch Eilde and then the boggy and rough trail, much used in the SSDT, alongside the pipe line above the Leven. You can tell we were getting sensible in our old age as instead of carrying on to the dam and doing the full chiaran path descent (doubtless finishing in the dark) we dropped down a suitably entertaining descent to the lower end of said path for a rapid roll out to KLL just as darkness fell.
Changed days again. Rob and Iona had made the move north the previous year with Rob was working for a private outdoor pursuits outfit and Iona for a small pharmaceutical consultancy in Kincraig. Their rented house in Lagan was too small for visitors so Rob had negotiated the use of part of the outdoor centre in Newtonmore for us, on the proviso that Rob was on hand to assist the paying group present should they need help (they didn't). The same bunch as the last two years with the addition of Alex. Once again we got lucky with the weather. Snow was falling as we arrived and thereafter it was fine and dry. Hogmanay was the first night and Newtonmore has a long standing tradition of a torch lit parade after the bells so we joined in with that after the usual beers and drams.
This week saw my first introduction to the miles of fabulous single track that abounds the woods along the upper Spey - Inshriach, the Baden and Drumguish. Max and Mary mainly did their own thing so it was me, R and I and Alex checking out many trails which they had scoped in their first six months of Highland residency.
Alex had to leave a day early and Mary and Iona also had to work on the last day allowing me, Max and Rob to do a classic Rothiemurchus route round loch an Eilein, up to the lodge and down the bottom of the Lairig Ghru trail. This week saw a definite shift to lots of bike riding. We were all too old for drunken debauchery in any case and 3am finishes after the bells were a thing of the past. The next few years continued this theme which I guess was no bad thing....
Rob and Iona now owned a house in Aviemore so this was our venue - a kind of new year celebration cum house warming. Alex now became a regular, Mary was gone and Max left us to pursue a dream of living the good life in his own rural idyll further east, another like minded partner in tow. More of the same bike riding wise as Rob and Iona were now were highly familiar with the local trails and the local mountain bike scene. No pics this year for some reason....
Aviemore again, and this time I had my girlfriend in tow, albeit for only a few days as she had to go back to work a couple of days earlier than me. She joined us on a couple of local rides round Rothiemurchus and left us to do some longer stuff on now familiar trails...
I guess it was in compensation for making my girlfriend go up north and train home on her own that I agreed to stay home this year. Then R and I suggested they come down to us. Alex joined us and Derek for a day ride; and we explored my local trails. Good fun all in all although I could tell that the Highlanders were a bit underwhelmed with my local riding (and the mud!)
A few days before this one I phoned Rob to confirm final arrangements. "Shall I bring my bike then?"
"no point, the snow is 1m deep"
This, of course, was the first of two monster winters. We'd had a fair bit of snow at home before and over Christmas. My own and my Girlfriends parents had managed to arrive and depart without issue but she decided to drive her folks home as it looked like it would be tricky. The Highlands had been hammered however. For the first time in many, many years Alpine-like conditions had prevailed - heavy snow fall, little wind and serious sub zero temps. As I drove north it hit -15. The next morning it was -20. We hired XC skis from Glenmore cafe and hit the powder. One day we went up the hill but it was a snowy day and we didn't get up there until 12 (having got to the closed snow gates at 8...)
The highlight was Hogmanay. It was crystal clear, there wasn't a breath of wind and the temps were hovering around -15. We skied out across the golf course to the halfway hut and sat out drinking mulled wine and whisky whilst watching the Aviemore fireworks.
Monster winter number two. I was single again and the year had seen me revive my long stalled cycle touring career with a substantial increase in the amount of bike riding I did. I'd also recently commenced Telemark skiing so my first activity on arriving in Aviemore was to drive up to the ski centre, only to be told they weren't selling any more tickets due to high winds. I did a few bambi on ice-esque runs on the bunny slopes and continued to Rob and Ionas. Alex was there again and this week saw our first link up with others of the Aviemore bike scene. Whilst there was snow a plenty higher up, lower down it had largely melted. The south had actually seen higher volumes than Aviemore so this came as a bit of a surprise. We were out riding both days before Hogmanay and had a good night with a few others dropping in to ensure we saw in the bells in style. Not quite the splendour of last year however. New years day saw the traditional post hangover ride taking in various trails around Inshriach and the Baden. One final ride above Feshie Bridge and that was another year gone. Me Rob and Alex also managed a full day skiing on the hill, my fledgling telemark career providing them with much amusement....
We did actually talk about getting a cottage elsewhere in Scotland for a change but prices were now getting silly - actually more than what some places were charging in the Summer. So Macinnes Place it was again, and why not given the quality of local riding. Alex didn't make it (not sure why) but this year saw the first airing of Rob and Ionas fat bikes. We actually got some snow as well but a pale shadow of the previous two years. Me and Iona spent some time this week planning our Iceland trip, scheduled for that June....
No photos of this one, and few memories - just me, Alex, Rob and Iona, Aviemore, bike riding and a few beers. After the washout of 2012, we'd actually had a reasonable dump of snow in the December but most of this had gone by New year and the weather was mild, wet and windy. Still managed the New Years Day ride from Bothy bikes and half the field were on fat bikes (I was on my Mukluk by now) but that's about all I remember. 2013 was a corker however.....
Rinse and repeat, no Alex this year but Mike, formerly of Heriot-Watt Uni cycling club in its last days, was a permanent resident of Aviemore having just set up its first electronics business. So he joined us on most days and we crashed his house post bells on Hogmanay. Some snow left from an earlier dump in December but otherwise a bit damp. The big news this year was the Highland Trail. Me and Iona were both in for it and so there was much discussion over tactics.
I guess there was a shadow over this one. Iona had been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in October and was two months into intense chemotherapy. Alex was there and we still all got out, Iona just taking an easier run to conserve much needed strength. I'd had a good year in '14 having done plenty of big rides and the coming year was also to be a monster.
Definitely a year to celebrate this one. Iona was cancer free, albeit after a battle and with a long road to recovery still. I was also feeling chuffed - I'd done the Highland Trail and a lot of other bike riding including 3 tours.
I'd done a ride round Dalwhinnie on the way up (lots of rain the previous day) and it was a bit damp generally so just the now usual mix of local trails and the ubiquitous meet up at Bothy Bikes on new years day.
'16 had been a bit up and down for me having wrestled with back pain which had affected my riding. Iona was recovering steadily so we had a good few days riding the usual. A key event for me was picking up my Jones frameset from Bothy bikes - the start of a long relationship! I was in for the Highland Trail again and this would hopefully be my beast of burden. It was also the end of another era - our last New Year in Aviemore.
Another good year for me and for Rob and Iona also. They had bought a house / project near to Aberlour so we had a new place to bring in the new year. I'd done my now usual trick of stopping off for a ride on the way up - in Aviemore as it happened, and in the snow. Hogmanay saw me and Rob exploring a new playground. The lack of tourists was now a relief as Aviemore at new year had become unbearable. Better still we could still see a fireworks display - this time from Grantown, some 13 miles up river but still clear on a rare good night. Alex was off his bike due to injury so me and Rob decided to cash in on some early season snow and the nearby Lecht ski centre (off piste of course!) This was a pre-cursor to yet another monster winter.
Blacksboat again, me, Alex and R&I. Alex was bikeless and just made it for Hogmanay; but me, Rob and Iona bagged a few more local trails in near springlike weather. The highlight was a circuit across the hills north of the Spey valley. These are thoroughly off the beaten track and somewhat featureless compared to the Cairngorms just to the south but they offer fine views and a variety of riding. New years eve saw us spend a few hours checking out trails in the nearby wood and we got out for our usual New Years day ride on a local circuit. '18 had a been a belter with the best winter then summer in years. 2019 was to be a tough one for me with the Rovaniemi 150 and the Highland Trail on the Calendar. I guess that's the attraction of these new year trips - they form a fine way to end one years riding and look to the next. I never feel the need to bash out some of the epics that characterised our earlier trips as I do so much riding through the year. Long may these continue.
Well 2019 had its ups and downs. The Rov 150 was my greatest race achievement to date but the HT a wash out. Thereafter knee injury made my riding year a bit hit or miss, likewise the weather. It finished on a high - literally as I finally got the fatbike up onto the Cairngorm Plateau and the summits of Ben Macdui and Cairngorm itself in stunning weather conditions; on the last day of the year. No Alex this year but we had another fine Hogmanay, again watching the Grantown fireworks after the bells. Our new years day ride was an easy exploration of local trails along the Spey. Me and Rob grabbed some more local woodland trails and then the three of us headed down to Findhorn to ride the beach to Burghead and back.
Part of our New Year ritual has always been to talk about our plans for the coming year. I don't remember what I was planning other than the Highland Trail. What never entered our heads was what this year would actually turn into....
So as previously noted, 2020 was a write off although I did manage a lot of good bike riding. In theory I could have driven up to Rob and Iona's for New Year as I live on my own. But it seemed more hassle than it was worth so I spent the day helping friends move house and did a nice snowy bike ride on New Years eve.
So 21/22 was a relief as it seemed to draw a line on the mess of the previous two years. The Government had one last go at panicking everyone in the run up to Christmas but folk had become increasingly wise to the propaganda machine running out of Holyrood and Westminster (and the virus itself, most importantly) and made their own decisions. We had a chilled out time doing some nice local bike riding in suprisingly mild weather, given a couple of weeks earlier had seen monster snow and serious sub zero temps...
So there was a new addition to our party this year - Chippie the cat! Over the summer Iona had become aware of a stray wandering around and made the mistake of feeding it. Despite various assertions it wasn't going to become a pet, she became a pet....