This will be my 5th consecutive year Bamming and 6th overall. After last years somewhat routine campaign, I'm hoping to make it a bit more interesting this year with a few things planned, including the eponymous Highland Trail.
That said, BAM 1 was distinctly low key, back in one of my usual spots in the woods off the Dunning road. Sadly, I missed the chance of a proper sub zero bivvy here last weekend. The previous week I'd managed to crash the fatty somewhat ignominiously on a bit of ice at the end of the West Fife cycleway on the way to work and what should have been a fab frozen and snowy ride home. This plan was canned when I got to the station to find that the bloody train was cancelled! Riding home revealed a distinctly sore rib, and after much prodding it was clear it was at least cracked, if not snapped! My second in under 4 months! So R&R was the order of the day although I did get out in the snow on the Sunday, given it looks very possible that this could be it, snow wise, for quite a while, much like last year....
Anyway, after a very mild week, the temps were set to drop somewhat and the weather looked fine all weekend. Damp dreich on Friday afternoon looked to spoil the party but lo and behold, by the time I'd knocked off work and got my gear together, the sky had cleared and it had dried up.
Just the usual route up on damp but not soggy trails. I thought of heading for the top of the hill bivvy spot I used a couple of years ago but there is forestry works going on up there and I have a feeling the bit of wood I'd slept in might be what is getting felled. So Linn hill it was, a particularly nice spot.
I'd brought the soto with me as since I replaced all the seals it's been much less fireball like on start up. Boil in the bag chickpea curry followed, the last of a load of army rat packs a mate had provided FOC as they were going out of date. This was surprisingly good and set me up for a very relaxing evening sipping a couple of beers and a dram, to a background of owl hoots and screeches, how relaxing. After my over-indulgence at the SWB I've a vague aim to go easy for a bit!
Sleep was instant when I eventually turned in but on waking at what turned out to be 1.30am, I became aware of a distant humming / whining noise which increased in volume until it became clear - a drone! What in all hells name was this doing here, and more importantly who was controlling it? It seemed to be some distance away, the sound exaggerated by the completely still night, but too close for comfort. It faded away after a bit and I lay awake pondering why / how etc. Looking for poachers maybe? Seems a bit unlikely although I guess these things could have IR. If so the operator may well have spotted me but no-one turned up so who knows.
Anyway, the owls returned soon after and their screeches and hoots calmed me back to a long sleep until 9.30 am. Breakfast was a leisurely affair before I got up and off.
A nice one this and not my usual tipple but I've yet to find a bad Williams beer.
Mandatory bivvy shot but the same as my previous 8 visits. It's a great spot but the drone incident has left me a bit concerned about a return if some weirdo is spying on me or anyone else looking for a peaceful night here.
Anyway, home was via a fun ride on various nice trails in this and Glendevon forest. I battled my way up to Black Creich Hill seeking more bivvy spots. It turned into a mission as the suspected firebreak showing on aerial photos wasn't. I did find a good spot on the way up however and I've now a few in this forest. They are felling here too (F&LS seem to be doing a lot this year) but this and my other spots are all in amongst fairly young trees so they should last my time around here in any case.
Winter event next, who knows what that will bring!