Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Alternative Winter Event 2025

Once again Shaff aka Redefined Cycles on the Bearbones forum cast out for takers for some Grid Reference bagging as per the 'official' winter event run by BB towers, for those who couldn't make it to Wales. A few were interested and as per last year, Justin, fellow SWB member was to provide my GR's. I was slightly nervous when they arrived as it would be very easy for him to send me on an absolute mission, all within 20 miles of the house. But Justin had provided 8 points which on inspection looked to be fairly straightforward. I did some route plotting and came up with an easy circuit bagging all 8 in about 83 miles. A couple were in places I'd not been to before but both on routes I'd been meaning to ride at some point so all good. The only minor blot was one on a bump I'd try to get up the other week but had failed due to fallen trees.

And speaking of which, Storm Eowyn had done it's work a few weeks ago. What would it's impact be on this route?

My first setback was slashing rain against the window when I surfaced after breakfast. A quick squint at the weather suggested more was to come, entirely at odds with what had been predicted in the run up to the weekend. I got the bike loaded and then procrastinated for an hour. Then the sun started shinning so I got going.

First check, there would be many more. I fought my way round this lot but another, bigger block of windblow followed. This was on a dead end there and back again to GR1 so I abandoned the bike and climbed over them...

Loch Glow in the Cleish Hills. The detritus of the fishery looked a bit forlorn with a large tree having demolished one of the storage sheds and stuff scattered everywhere thanks to the storm. I often go walking round here, and the various bumps in the background. I've seen an Osprey fishing here too!

Back to the bike then a few well known miles through Blair Adam Forest (lots of downed trees but all cleared thank goodness) and over the days first proper climb from Lochore to Loch Leven.

GR2, Vane Farm visitor centre on Loch Leven National Nature Reserve. Looking over the loch, the bumps of the mid Ochills in the distance.

A leisurely pedal round the loch took me to GR 3, this fine wee bridge over the 'back burn' into the loch. There is a good path all the way round Loch Leven, largely developed by one person pushing SNH / Nature Scot to fund it. SNH resisted it for years as they didn't want a load of plebs disturbing the various birdies but eventually relented after much lobbying on high. As it was built from nothing and immediately promoted for shared use, you never get any grief off walkers round here. It's just had a major re-surfacing job done to so a good local resource which also provides useful off road links between various back roads and other trails.

I decided to add in an extra loop from this point which would come back to haunt me later. It did cross my mind to use the bird hide I'd bivvied in on AWE23 and bag the perthshire GR's the next day but it was a bit early so I pressed on.

More easy trails and back roads took me to Glen Farg village and a lengthy climb over the hills to Perthsire. As I left Glen Farg it was about twenty to five but I figured I'd still have enough daylight to bag the next point. This was a track I'd eyed up - a Perth and Kinross core path - over the flanks of various hills towards Kinross itself. A good track climb in the gloaming took me to a farm and a very barky dog then it was a bit damper with many cow prints beyond there. The good news was it was easy to follow. Twas a bit soggy though and anything uphill defeated my one gear and weedy tyres. As usual in this circumstance, the 2k to the GR took ages and it was pretty much dark when I arrived - 

I took this on approach in case it was totally dark when I got there - GR4, an old Iron Age fort.

Not quite dark - the old wall lines and ditches still clearly visible (well they would have been half an hour ago!) I got a brief glimpse of the next GR then fought my way back to the track out of there. This took a bit of faffing and my earlier extra loop (and late start) were much in my mind as I fumbled around to regain the track. Then it started raining. Then it started hailing and sleating. On with the gear and off down a somewhat soggy and rather steep track. The stormy took it in it's stride however. Finally it spat me out on a wee road, Kinross not far away. 

That said I didn't fancy the next GR at this point as I'd no idea what the track up it would be like and didn't fancy a death march in the dark. Plus it should have a fine view off the top, so better to tackle it tomorrow. A quick rethink of my route led me west towards Dunning. I'd do the three GR's in the hills the next morning and then ride back to grab this one as a finale. 

The rain eased off and at Dunning I procured a snack and a couple of beers for later. As I sat out eating (first food since I set off!) I noted I'd been on the go for nigh on 6 hours, despite missing out a GR. So much for my earlier thought I'd get here too early... Anyway, suitably fortified I headed off up the steady climb to Glen Devon forest.

Nearly forgot this one, GR5. Actually the cottage (Blaeberry Toll) you can't see behind me but I figured taking a photo might cause concern. This place came up for sale a couple of years ago and I was ever so slightly tempted given it's remote location. It would be hard work in the winter though and not much use when I get into my dotage!

I entered the forest thinking I'd head up to my usual bivvy spot from which it would be straightforward to make an attempt on the next GR the following morning. However more fallen trees blocked the way forward. There was probably a way round but I figured it would be better to go back to the road and try the lower entrance to the woods where logging works were going on, so the track would be clear. Then I spied a level area in the trees just up from where I was, that will do nicely! I'd barely got pitched up when a light appeared on the track - a jogger no less wearing one of those scotchlite covered jackets which illuminated hugely when I pointed my lid light at it. They ignored me, doubtless wondering what idiot would be out on a night like this. That said it was sheltered and whilst a few sprinkles of rain, hail and snow came in over night, nothing to disturb my esteemed repose.

A good spot but in view of its proximity to one of the main tracks in this forest, not one I'd use again. What looked like the same jogger ran by as I was about to depart (they had the same type of jacket on in any case.) 

Bugger. I managed to pick my way round this but encountered more - in fact it was total carnage. There then followed much too-ing and fro-ing as I tried to pick my way round various blocks of fallen trees. The Scottish Enduro club used to use this forest and brashed out loads of trails as a result, so I was able to bypass some bits but eventually ended up in a tangled dead end. Much back tracking and ploughing through the undergrowth later and I finally got into where they are logging, and hopefully a clear route up to my next objective.

The dimple in the distance is my next again GR! Picking up on an earlier comment from my January BAM report, Justin had, somewhat meanly, selected the hill - Black Creich - that I'd try to get to the top of that day, but failed due to fallen trees. Given what had taken place a fortnight a go, I had little hope of getting up this day, but I'd scoped out an alternative way up which might be clear. This was via another of the enduro trails which went over the flank of the hill, however I abandoned the bike for the final assault. I did get a fair way up, and within about 50m of the summit but....

GR6 is in their somewhere...

Amusingly I couldn't find the bike on descending; stopping at one point to look all around, only for it to be 6 feet away, right behind me! Ahem. Anyway off back down to the road I went with some relief. 

Castlehill reservoir dam. Not often you see an arch concrete dam in the UK, most being earth or mass concrete. Stormy looking a bit bedraggled after all of that! It did cross my mind to pedal the 8 easy miles home but that wouldn't be in the spirit of the undertaking. Onward we go...

The next GR was my highest at 516m on Ben Shee. I'd been up here the other week on skis but by the looks, there was only a dusting of snow today. It's a fair old climb which I mainly pushed but finally, I got there, only for the cloud to come down. GR7 claimed though!

I took the scenic route down a rough, grassy, tussocky descent with a nice off cambered bit to boot - 45mm tyres seem to cope remarkably well

Not necessarily the best bike for such terrain but the route as a whole was mainly on roads, cycleways or good tracks so the Stormchaser was definitely the right choice. 

Near the bottom of this descent I had to cross a fairly brisk but narrow burn and nearly came a cropper. I always make a bit of a meal of it as it flows in a rocky channel which you have to step across with bike on shoulder. The rocks were wet and slippy and the burn looked very cold. However I got across with barely a stumble and rejoined the road once more. Which I stuck too down Glen Eagles with a view to bashing out the next section to the final GR as quick as I could. I was starving again so a diversion to Auchterarder (by a fab bit of dust path, another new trail) was needed for yet another Co-op meal deal.

Then I got my head down and pedaled, vaguely aware that my planned easy route round all 8 GR's would end up being a convoluted double loop. My own fault for yesterdays tardiness! It was all on back roads for the most though.

Finally I got to the bottom of the hill on which my last GR sat and pushed on up a track that was easy enough, making me think I should have done it last night after all. And the generally damp / hazy weather meant the view was nothing to write home about in any case!

GR8. The Iron Age fort is actually just above the trig point.

So home we go, but via another huge climb and various other undulations. I noted that it was starting to get dark as I finished the last miles so I was somewhat shocked when I realised it was after 5! I was even more shocked when my total mileage came out at 118 instead of my planned 83.

So a good old adventure by any measure. Of course I could have bailed home at any point easily enough but not doing so was part of the challenge. When you've done the BB300, you can't let such trivialities as weather, darkness, boggy ground or the odd tussock put you off. I'll definitely be back to check out the hill fort in daylight at some point!